Marina Romanello

Executive Director
The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change

United Kingdom
Marina is the Executive Director of the Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change, an independent and multi-disciplinary research collaboration of almost 100 academic centres around the world, and headquartered at University College London’s Institute for Global Health. The Lancet Countdown tracks and drives progress towards a world which is responding to climate change in a way that protects and promotes public health. Marina led a team of researchers in developing England's National Health Service's Net Zero commitments, and is a member of numerous advisory boards for projects focusing on health and climate change. Trained as a clinical biochemist in the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, and holds a PhD in biomedical sciences from the University of Cambridge, UK. Her research background spans from toxicology through to environmental health and climate change, and she has previously carried out her research in the Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires, the University of Cambridge, and the Francis Crick Institute.


Road to Net Zero Emission - The Geopolitics of Energy Transitions and Health Nexus

10.30 - 12.30 (BKK)