Babatunde Adebola Olusegun Aiyelabola

Health and Social Sector Officer
Public Services International (PSI)

Mr Aiyelabola is the Health and Social Services Officer of Public Services International (PSI), a global trade union federation of 30 million workers worldwide. He is also Co-President of the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) and co-secretary of the Health Workers for All Coalition (HW4All). Over the past seven years, he has served on several World Health Organization guideline development groups and technical advisory groups on community health worker programmes, health workers safety and health, integration of the health and care workforce, and COVID-19 infection prevention and control. Before joining PSI in 2016, Baba Aye, as he is fondly called, had worked for seventeen years with the Medical and Health Workers’ Union of Nigeria (MHWUN), leaving as Deputy Secretary General. In this period, he helped establish the West African Health Sector Unions’ Network (WAHSUN). Baba has published articles and book chapters on migration, planetary health, development economics, and the labour movement. He is also a poet and contributing editor of the Review of African Political Economy.


Human Resource for Health Migration through the Lens of Decolonization

15.00 - 17.00 (BKK)